Driving directions from Xindian, China to Hanting, China distance

Xindian, China
Head west toward 064乡道/Y064 0.3 km
Turn right onto 064乡道/Y064 0.3 km
Turn left onto 南一路/和安路 0.3 km
Turn right at the 1st cross street at 泰山路 0.4 km
Continue onto 杨坡路 3.8 km
Turn right onto 309国道/G309 1.5 km
Turn left onto 231省道/雪宫路/S231 1.2 km
Take the ramp to G20青银高速/G20
Partial toll road
0.8 km
Keep right at the fork and merge onto G20青银高速/G20
Toll road
79.1 km
Take exit G206/潍坊/昌邑/寒亭 toward 通亭街
Partial toll road
0.6 km
Keep right at the fork and merge onto 通亭街 4.5 km
Turn left onto 幸福路 0.5 km
Turn right onto 益新街/益新西街
Destination will be on the right
0.5 km
Hanting, China
Map data ©2017
Xindian to Hanting road map

Xindian to Hanting flight distance miles / km

50.7 mi / 81.7 km
Also see in China

Xindian to Hanting car distance km / miles

93.9 km / 58.3 miles

Xindian to Hanting driving time

1 hours 32 minutes

Xindian to Hanting average speed

60.8 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

7.04 liters

Fuel price calculator

10.56 €