Driving directions from Xinyang, China to Dongguan, China distance

Xinyang, China
Head east 0.1 km
Turn left toward 东方红大道 0.2 km
Turn right onto 东方红大道 0.1 km
Turn left onto 北京大街 1.6 km
Turn right 0.2 km
Turn left 0.5 km
Turn right at the 1st cross street onto 新七大道 1.3 km
Turn left onto 新六大街 1.9 km
Take the ramp onto 312国道/北环路/G312 4.3 km
Turn left onto 224省道/新二十四大街/S224 5.0 km
Turn right onto the ramp to G40沪陕高速/G40
Partial toll road
0.4 km
Keep right at the fork and merge onto G40沪陕高速/G40
Toll road
78.3 km
Take exit G45南/新县/黄石 to merge onto G45大广高速/G45
Toll road
217 km
Take the exit on the left onto G45大广高速/G50沪渝高速/G70福银高速/G45/G50/G70
Toll road
7.6 km
Take the exit toward G45大广高速/G45
Toll road
0.3 km
Keep left to continue toward G45大广高速/G45
Toll road
1.6 km
Keep right at the fork to continue toward G45大广高速/G45
Toll road
0.3 km
Keep left at the fork to continue toward G45大广高速/G45
Toll road
1.3 km
Continue onto G45大广高速/G45
Toll road
394 km
Take exit G45/井冈山/赣州/广州 toward G45大广高速/G45
Toll road
0.8 km
Continue onto G45大广高速/G45
Toll road
267 km
Take exit G105/G45/龙南北/全南 toward G45大广高速/G45
Toll road
0.5 km
Keep left to continue toward G45大广高速/G45
Toll road
0.5 km
Continue onto G45大广高速/G45
Toll road
220 km
Take the exit toward S29从莞深高速/S29
Toll road
0.8 km
Continue onto S29从莞深高速/S29
Toll road
61.9 km
Take the exit toward G35济广高速/S21广惠高速/G35/S21
Toll road
0.2 km
Keep right at the fork and merge onto G35济广高速/S21广惠高速/G35/S21
Toll road
14.9 km
Take exit G94/增城市区/东莞 toward G94珠三角环线高速/增莞高速/G94
Toll road
0.2 km
Keep left at the fork to continue on Exit G94/东莞 and merge onto G94珠三角环线高速/增莞高速/G94
Toll road
11.5 km
Take exit 环城路/石碣/高埗 toward 环城路
Partial toll road
0.5 km
Keep left and merge onto 环城路 4.5 km
Take exit S120 to merge onto 莞龙路辅路 0.5 km
Turn right onto 龙石路 0.3 km
Turn left onto 桥石路 0.9 km
Slight left toward 运河路 0.4 km
Turn left onto 运河路 1.6 km
Take the ramp onto 东城中路 0.3 km
Continue straight onto 东江大道/东莞大堤 3.1 km
Turn left onto 光明路 0.2 km
Turn right onto 珊瑚路
Destination will be on the right
0.4 km
Dongguan, China
Map data ©2017 Google
Xinyang to Dongguan road map

Xinyang to Dongguan flight distance miles / km

627.3 mi / 1,009.5 km
Also see in China

Xinyang to Dongguan car distance km / miles

1,307.2 km / 812.2 miles

Xinyang to Dongguan driving time

13 hours 27 minutes

Xinyang to Dongguan average speed

97.1 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

98.04 liters

Fuel price calculator

147.06 €