Driving directions from Yinjiang, China to Shenyang, China distance

Yinjiang, China
Head east on 333省道/S333 toward 郡章大道/Y174 19.5 km
Turn left onto the ramp to S12梅龙高速/梅大高速/S12
Partial toll road
0.7 km
Keep right at the fork and merge onto S12梅龙高速/梅大高速/S12
Toll road
45.4 km
Continue onto S10莆永高速/S10
Toll road
25.2 km
Keep left to stay on S10莆永高速/S10
Toll road
38.4 km
Take exit G76厦蓉高速/厦门/龙岩/长汀 toward G76厦蓉高速/G76
Toll road
0.6 km
Keep left at the fork and merge onto G76厦蓉高速/G76
Toll road
153 km
Take exit 安庆/鹰潭/G72/G35 to merge onto G35济广高速/G35
Toll road
191 km
Take the exit on the left onto G35济广高速/G70福银高速/京福高速/温沙高速/G35/G70
Toll road
7.7 km
Take the exit toward G35济广高速/G35
Toll road
1.0 km
Continue onto G35济广高速/G35
Toll road
340 km
Continue onto S27安东高速/安景高速/S27
Toll road
35.3 km
Continue onto G4212合安高速/G50沪渝高速/G4212/G50
Toll road
43.8 km
Take the exit toward G4212合安高速/合界高速/G4212
Toll road
0.1 km
Keep right at the fork to continue on Exit G4212/桐城/合肥 and merge onto G4212合安高速/合界高速/G4212
Toll road
124 km
Take exit G40/S17/六安/淮南/信阳/阜阳/G4001合肥绕城高速/金寨路/长江西路/新桥国际机场 on the left to merge onto G4001合肥绕城高速/G40沪陕高速/G40/G4001
Toll road
30.6 km
Keep left to continue on S17蚌合高速/合阜高速/S17
Toll road
60.5 km
Take exit 淮南东/蚌埠 toward S17蚌淮高速/S17
Toll road
0.7 km
Continue onto S17蚌淮高速/S17
Toll road
33.7 km
Take exit 蚌埠/徐州 toward G3京台高速/合徐高速/G3
Toll road
0.3 km
Keep left at the fork and merge onto G3京台高速/合徐高速/G3
Toll road
172 km
Take exit G3京台高速/G30/徐州/连云港/郑州 toward G30连霍高速/G3京台高速/G3/G30
Toll road
0.5 km
Keep right at the fork and merge onto G30连霍高速/G3京台高速/G3/G30
Toll road
6.5 km
Take the exit toward G3京台高速/徐州西北绕城高速/G3
Toll road
0.8 km
Continue onto G3京台高速/徐州西北绕城高速/G3
Toll road
28.7 km
Take exit S69/丰县/沛县 toward S69济徐高速/S69
Toll road
1.3 km
Continue onto S69济徐高速/S69
Toll road
78.4 km
At 收费站, continue onto S33济徐高速/S33
Toll road
110 km
Take exit G35/S33/济南 to merge onto G35济广高速/济荷高速/G35
Toll road
102 km
Take exit G3/G35/G2001/德州/济南西/泰安/北京/济南北/上海 toward G2001济南绕城高速/G35济广高速/G3京台高速/济南绕城高速公路/G2001/G3/G35
Toll road
0.6 km
Keep left at the fork and merge onto G2001济南绕城高速/G35济广高速/G3京台高速/济南绕城高速公路/G2001/G3/G35
Toll road
16.0 km
Keep left to continue on G3京台高速/G3
Toll road
243 km
Take the exit toward S6津沧高速/S6
Toll road
0.2 km
Continue onto S6津沧高速/S6
Toll road
12.7 km
Take exit S60/G25/滨海新区 to merge onto S60滨石高速/唐津高速/S60
Toll road
22.2 km
Continue onto G25长深高速/唐津高速/G25
Toll road
49.4 km
Keep left to stay on G25长深高速/唐津高速/G25
Toll road
71.1 km
Keep left to continue on S0105绕城高速/唐山环城高速南环/唐津高速/S0105
Toll road
19.4 km
Continue onto 唐山环城高速南环/唐津高速
Toll road
0.1 km
Keep left to continue on 唐山环城高速东环/唐津高速
Toll road
10.8 km
Continue onto S0105绕城高速/唐山环城高速东环/唐津高速/S0105
Toll road
12.6 km
Take the exit onto G1京哈高速/京沈高速/G1
Toll road
372 km
Keep left to continue on G1京哈高速/G1
Toll road
131 km
Merge onto G1113丹阜高速/G1501沈阳绕城高速/G1113/G1501
Toll road
10.1 km
Take exit G1501/机场/丹东/抚顺 toward G1113丹阜高速/G1501沈阳绕城高速/G1113/G1501
Toll road
1.1 km
Continue onto G1113丹阜高速/G1501沈阳绕城高速/G1113/G1501
Toll road
4.2 km
Keep left at the fork to stay on G1113丹阜高速/G1501沈阳绕城高速/G1113/G1501
Toll road
8.7 km
Keep right at the fork to stay on G1113丹阜高速/G1501沈阳绕城高速/G1113/G1501
Toll road
1.2 km
Take exit G1113/青年大街/机场/丹东 toward 025国道/G1113丹阜高速/沈丹高速/G025/G1113
Toll road
1.4 km
Keep right at the fork and merge onto 025国道/G1113丹阜高速/沈丹高速/G025/G1113
Partial toll road
1.2 km
Continue onto 浑河大街/青年南大街
Continue to follow 浑河大街
4.0 km
Continue onto 青年大街 4.4 km
Shenyang, China
Map data ©2017 Google, SK telecom, ZENRIN
Yinjiang to Shenyang road map

Yinjiang to Shenyang flight distance miles / km

1,275.7 mi / 2,053.0 km
Also see in China

Yinjiang to Shenyang car distance km / miles

2,650.0 km / 1,646.6 miles

Yinjiang to Shenyang driving time

1 days 2 hours 34 minutes

Yinjiang to Shenyang average speed

99.7 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

198.75 liters

Fuel price calculator

298.12 €