Driving directions from Zedelgem, Belgium to Oudenburg, Belgium distance

Zedelgem, Belgium
Head northwest on Snellegemsestraat toward Kerkplein 1.7 km
Merge onto Isenbaertstraat 1.6 km
Turn right onto Eernegemweg 12 m
Turn left onto Isenbaertstraat 1.4 km
Turn left onto Gistelsteenweg/N367 0.8 km
At the roundabout, take the 1st exit onto Constant Permekelaan/N377 0.5 km
Turn right onto Stationsstraat/N377 0.6 km
At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit and stay on Stationsstraat/N377 0.4 km
Take the A10/E40 ramp to Oostende/Veurne 0.1 km
Keep left and merge onto A10/E40 0.9 km
Keep right at the fork to continue on A10, follow signs for Oostende 5.1 km
Take exit 5b-Oudenburg for N358 toward Oudenburg 0.4 km
At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit onto Stationsstraat/N358
Continue to follow N358
1.4 km
Turn left onto Vissersstraat 0.6 km
Turn left onto Zandvoordsestraat
Destination will be on the right
0.1 km
Oudenburg, Belgium
Map data ©2023
Zedelgem to Oudenburg road map

Zedelgem to Oudenburg flight distance miles / km

6.6 mi / 10.6 km
Also see in Belgium

Zedelgem to Oudenburg car distance km / miles

15.8 km / 9.8 miles

Zedelgem to Oudenburg driving time

18 minutes

Zedelgem to Oudenburg average speed

51.7 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

1.18 liters

Fuel price calculator

1.77 €