Driving directions from Zhangcha, China to Huadi, China distance

Zhangcha, China
Head west on 白坭路 toward 玉带路 37 m
Turn left at the 1st cross street onto 玉带路 0.2 km
Turn right onto 506县道/张槎二路/X506 0.7 km
Continue straight onto 506县道/张槎一路/X506 0.3 km
Take the ramp to S15沈海高速广州支线/佛开高速/广开高速/S15
Partial toll road
0.2 km
Keep right at the fork and merge onto S15沈海高速广州支线/佛开高速/广开高速/S15
Toll road
5.6 km
Take exit S121/佛山机场/桂城/南海/佛山市禅城区 toward 113省道/桂丹路/S113
Partial toll road
0.4 km
Keep right at the fork to continue toward 113省道/桂丹路/S113 25 m
Keep right and merge onto 113省道/桂丹路/S113 0.8 km
Keep left at the fork to continue on 113省道/S113 6.3 km
Take the exit onto S82佛山一环高速/佛山一环东线/S82 2.7 km
Take exit 穗盐路/盐步 to merge onto S82佛山一环高速辅路/佛山一环东线辅路 0.5 km
Turn right onto 穗盐西路 1.1 km
Continue onto 穗盐东路 2.7 km
At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit onto 穗盐路 1.6 km
Turn left onto 葵蓬路 0.9 km
Turn right to stay on 葵蓬路 0.1 km
Turn left onto 洞企石路
Destination will be on the right
0.2 km
Huadi, China
Map data ©2017
Zhangcha to Huadi road map

Zhangcha to Huadi flight distance miles / km

10.2 mi / 16.4 km
Also see in China

Zhangcha to Huadi car distance km / miles

24.3 km / 15.1 miles

Zhangcha to Huadi driving time

36 minutes

Zhangcha to Huadi average speed

39.9 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

1.82 liters

Fuel price calculator

2.73 €