Driving directions from Zhengcun, China to Sencun, China distance

Zhengcun, China
Head northeast 0.2 km
Turn right 0.1 km
Turn right at the 1st cross street 0.6 km
Turn right onto Y011 1.3 km
Turn left 0.7 km
Turn left onto S347 1.3 km
Slight left 3.3 km
Turn left 1.0 km
Turn right 0.8 km
Turn left onto 迎宾大道/S103 0.5 km
Turn right onto 信行三路 1.0 km
Continue onto 滨河北路 1.2 km
Turn right onto 环城西路 0.7 km
Continue straight onto 内环北路 1.2 km
Turn left onto 丰乐大道 4.4 km
Continue onto 练江大道 3.6 km
Turn left onto S349
Destination will be on the left
12.8 km
Sencun, China
Map data ©2023
Zhengcun to Sencun road map

Zhengcun to Sencun flight distance miles / km

9.3 mi / 14.9 km
Also see in China

Zhengcun to Sencun car distance km / miles

34.9 km / 21.7 miles

Zhengcun to Sencun driving time

1 hours 9 minutes

Zhengcun to Sencun average speed

30.3 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

2.62 liters

Fuel price calculator

3.93 €