Driving directions from Zhengzhou, China to Tianjin, China distance

Zhengzhou, China
Head west on 建新东街 toward 建新北街 26 m
建新东街 turns left and becomes 建新北街 0.3 km
Turn right onto 建新街 0.3 km
Turn right at the 1st cross street onto 金水路 0.5 km
Turn right to merge onto 京广快速路 9.6 km
Exit onto 京广快速路辅路 0.8 km
Turn left onto 江山路 0.3 km
Turn left onto the ramp to G3001郑州绕城高速/G30连霍高速/洛开高速/G30/G3001
Partial toll road
0.2 km
Keep left at the fork and merge onto G3001郑州绕城高速/G30连霍高速/洛开高速/G30/G3001
Toll road
19.1 km
Keep left to continue on G30连霍高速/G30
Toll road
63.4 km
Take exit G45/濮阳/周口/北京/广州 toward G45大广高速/G45
Toll road
0.3 km
Keep left at the fork to continue on Exit G45北/封丘/濮阳 and merge onto G45大广高速/G45
Toll road
123 km
Keep left to stay on G45大广高速/G45
Toll road
234 km
Keep left at the fork to continue toward G45大广高速/G45
Toll road
1.5 km
Keep left at the fork and merge onto G45大广高速/G45
Toll road
32.5 km
Take exit G1811/沧州/黄骅 to merge onto G1811黄石高速/G1811
Toll road
103 km
Take exit G2/G3/北京/济南 toward G2京沪高速/G3京台高速/G2/G3
Toll road
0.7 km
Keep right at the fork and merge onto G2京沪高速/G3京台高速/G2/G3
Toll road
51.2 km
Take the exit toward S6津沧高速/S6
Toll road
0.2 km
Continue onto S6津沧高速/S6
Partial toll road
53.4 km
Continue onto 复康路 3.4 km
Take the ramp on the left onto 红旗路 1.9 km
At 鞍山西道环岛, take the 2nd exit and stay on 红旗路 2.5 km
Turn right onto 黄河道 2.0 km
Turn left onto 西马路 0.5 km
Turn right at the 2nd cross street onto 鼓楼西街 0.3 km
Turn left onto 城厢西路
Destination will be on the right
62 m
Tianjin, China
Map data ©2017
Zhengzhou to Tianjin road map

Zhengzhou to Tianjin flight distance miles / km

360.1 mi / 579.5 km
Also see in China

Zhengzhou to Tianjin car distance km / miles

705.2 km / 438.2 miles

Zhengzhou to Tianjin driving time

7 hours 12 minutes

Zhengzhou to Tianjin average speed

97.7 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

52.89 liters

Fuel price calculator

79.33 €